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Saturday, 25 February 2012

Chronicle Review 2012

Chronicle is the latest movie to be released in relation to the newly born genre that is Found footage.

We have had a monopoly of found footage movie releases over the years. The Blaire witch project might be the only one that deserves a positive mention. Its vintage concept came about back in 1999 when it gave us something fresh and paved the way for a not so great future..."Apollo 18", "Cloverfield", "Quarantine" and not forgetting the not so eager release of "The Devil Inside Me".

Chronicle follows the lives of Andrew, Steve and Matt who find themselves trapped in a life changing experience when they encounter a strange hole containing a strong alien like energy. Their everyday ability becomes abnormal when they find their encounter the night before has left them with telekinesis strength.

It is from there on that Andrews desire to video tape life's events might actuality make sense as he begins to film the development of their newly found superpowers. Things spiral out of control quickly as both Steve and Matt start to doubt Andrews consistency as he begins to take certain matters into his own hands, leading to serious consequences and uneasy attention.

The scenes consist of clever camera tricks, involving moving cars, floating objects and bullying the public, all out of boredom leading to sheer enjoyment. Chronicle is quite amusing with some jaw dropping moments and does well in keeping the viewers attention.

In comparison to previous found-footage movies, Chronicle beats them all, as it was both exciting and enjoyable with some scenes bound to leave you wide eyed. As for the acting, from a cast I wasn't aware of, they all put in quality performances making something so far fetched seem very realistic.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

The Grey Review 2012

"There is blood in the air, and death. They can smell it... they know we are wounded...just hope they don't f**k with us"!

Those are the chilling words from Ottway, Liam Neeson's relentless character, who stars in The Grey.  A group of Oil riggers are flying over the Alaskan outskirts when horrific turbulence causes the plane to crash, leaving numerous casualties. 

The crew of twenty something, cut down to seven survivors, are left to survive in the blistering cold, heavy snow, with a slim chance of finding home. One of the survivors Ottway (Neeson), is trying to come to terms of what had just happened. Considering himself lucky, he is determined to get home safely.  As the group of men begin planning a way out, it isn't long before they realise they are not alone. The abandoned scenery is hunted by Alaskan wolves.

We soon learn a bit of Ottways past, as we get brief flashbacks, almost haunting images of life back home. His skills are surprising as we learn just how beneficial he could be to surviving the wrath of killer wolves.

The Grey is a fantastic survival movie. The horror concept and the teasing plot puts it up their with The Thing (Not the remake!). Liam Neeson dominates his role of leadership. One genius starts to question Ottways suggestions, in believing if they stay at the plane wreck, they will be found. Ottway tells him  "No one is coming for us! If we don't move, we will freeze to death...that's one thing that will come for you". Cold, yet honest words from Neeson's character.

The movie offers brilliant performances from all the cast, with the vicious wolves looking ever so real. The scenery is quality, both in the haunting night, and day. The viewer is left wide-eyed when you hear the wolves calling for their prey!

I was shocked to find the gruesomeness in some scenes, but it suited well to the movies chilling concept. I mean let's face it...the aftermath of death from a murderous Wolf isn't exactly like a poop left unflushed? This is full on. And it rocks!

This will be, surprising to most, one of the best movies of the year. (I know, I am way to early, ah well).

As for the ending? Of course I won't go into that, but to say this. A lot of viewers will despise it, after such a thrilling beginning. I for one had no problems with it. In fact, I got so much enjoyment from the first 110 minutes, that it just breezed over my head.

See for yourself.