Contagion, Directed by Steven Soderbergh (Ocean's Eleven trilogy) and starring Matt Damon along with an awesome cast including Jude Law, Laurence Fishburne and your bit on the side, Gweneth Paltrow.
The Story kicks off with a bang when Beth (Paltrow) returns home from a business trip in Hong kong and begins to suffer from severe sickness that she tends to pass off as a bad flu.
The cause of the infection is unknown to her and husband Mitch (Damon).
The Infection takes a turn for the worse when Beth collapses and is hospitalized under severe protection as even the doctors seem bewildered to the cause of the sickness. Mitch gets his life turned upside down when he receives the tragic news that his wife had unexpectedly passed away with the cause of death unsolved.
Contagion gives a great plot to start with. A deadly virus that is rapidly spreading through America and the world. Scientists, Doctors, disease control, all seem confused when members of the public start dropping dead. The people you think might know the cause of death? Have literally no idea of the decent, or gravity this infection can have.....
Alan is your typical journalist, he is arrogant, inappropriate, and always looks to eavesdrop. Alan seems to get into trouble all the time, but when he claims to have a cure for this virus, all hell breaks loose.
On the opposite side is Dr.Cheever (Laurence Fishburne) and Irina (Daria Strokous?)
Dr.Cheever has his co.worker Irina hot on the trails of the virus, hoping to discover a cure, while at the same time trying to prevent herself from the sickness, as the death toll rises everyday.
The movie takes place in numerous locations telling the stories of people struggling to deal with the loss of family members, to the doctors and scientists under pressure to keep the story out of the media.
The movie had a great first half, with extreme tensity and realism, along with superb acting from Matt Damon and Gweneth Paltrow, but the movie needed more Gweneth Paltrow.
So Contagion was decent to watch. I would not tell anyone to avoid, simply because of the actors involved.
The story was a great idea, very original, but do not expect to remember it 24 hours later. The End of the movie killed it for me, I won't go into the end of the movie right now though! :)
Good plot, Great actors, got boring half way through, and I believe the end was rushed!
overall. 6/10